HITM for 06-09-2015 – Endurance Day with Karen Chaton on the Dream 100 Races, The Quilty and the Big Horn 100

by | Jun 9, 2015 | Endurance Rider, Episodes, Horses in the Morning


Endurance Day with Karen Chaton opens with a chat about Redmond Equine’s Daily Gold, a chat with Aussie Rider Adeline Gibson about the amazing Tom Quilty Gold Cup and Cindy Collins on the Big Horn 100.  Plus, Distance Depot on supplements for Endurance Riders.  Listen in…

[podloveaudio src=”https://horsesinthemorning-copy.s3.amazonaws.com/audio/hitmepisode1186.mp3″ duration=”01:34:41″ title=”HORSES IN THE MORNING for 06-09-2015″]

HORSES IN THE MORNING Episode 1186 – Show Notes and Links:

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