HITM for 02-09-2016 by the AERC – Things Endurance Riders Know, Trilby 1/4 Way to the Moon, Nick on Common Groundsel

by | Feb 9, 2016 | Endurance Rider, Episodes, Horses in the Morning


This month’s AERC Endurance episode with Karen Chaton chuckle over a list of things only Endurance Riders know, get to know Trilby Pederson, a women who has ridden the equivalent to 1/4 of the way to the moon and Nick Warhol tells the harrowing tale of how his horses were poisoned by common groundsel.  Listen in…

[podloveaudio src=”https://horsesinthemorning-copy.s3.amazonaws.com/audio/hitmepisode1356.mp3″ duration=”01:27:27″ title=”HORSES IN THE MORNING for 02-09-2016″]

HORSES IN THE MORNING Episode 1356 – Show Notes and Links:

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