Glenn and Jennifer bring you a bunch of vendor interviews from the January WESA market. We think you will like the fascinating people and excited products we found and hopefully you will find a new product or two for your store. Listen in…
Guests and Links Episode 37:
- Link to Sound File for Sight Impaired: Click Here
- Co-Hosts: Mike Donnell, Kacee Willbanks, and Sophia Jagella
- Special Co-Hosts: Glenn the Geek from Horses in the Morning and Coach Jenn from Horse Tip Daily
- Photo Credit:
- Guest: Camarie Widmer from Performance Pony Company
- Guest: Russ Barnett from Outfitters Supply
- Guest: Kelly Baugh from FBF Originals
- Guest: Gemma with Happy Horse
- Guest: Gala from Nettles Stirrups
- Guest: Helen Riley from Champion Helmets
- Guest: Connie from Redingote
- Guest: Chad from Tattini Boots
- Guest: Jacob Coble from Sunbody Hats
- Visit the WESA Website