Ten years ago Lisa Diersen founded the Equus Film Festival, combining her love of filmmaking and horses. Four years later she began the Equus Film Channel (imagine Netflix for horse lovers). Scott talks to Lisa about her phenomenal career journey, which includes everything from mustangs to making documentaries.
Buy Scott’s new book You Can’t Crack That Egg Twice, Sage Advice From A Real Texas Cowboy here: https://leadershipbooks.com/products/you-cant-crack-that-egg-twice-sage-advice-from-a-real-texas-cowboy
For more information about Scott Knudsen, The Cowboy Entrepreneur, go to his website https://www.cowboyentrepreneur.com/
Watch The Cowboy Entrepreneur Show on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/@cowboyentrepreneur4065
Watch On The Road with The Cowboy Entrepreneur Scott Knudsen only on Equus TV https://equustelevision.com/watch/2220
Buy Cowboy Entrepreneur Coffee at https://www.cowboyentrepreneur.com/store-coffee/