S3 Ep. 20 All About Incentive Programs

by | Aug 2, 2023 | Money Barrel

Since we started The Money Barrel Podcast, so many of you, the listeners, have asked questions about incentive programs, or asked for an episode about current incentives. Kayla took some time to really look into as many of the incentives as she could and bring you a ton of information. From the Royal Crown, to the Buckles, from the diamond classic, to our very own Colorado Classic, Kayla really digs into so many events. Our goal on this episode is to hopefully give you some insight into which of these incentives best fits you and your program, but it is important that you look into the incentives you are interested in yourself. There is a ton of information out there, and we know that so many of these incentive producers would be glad to help you get a better understanding of their events and how you can get involved, so don’t forget to do your homework.

This episode is brought to you by Cosequin Equine.

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