S3 Ep. 21 Sue Smith

by | Aug 9, 2023 | Money Barrel

Sue Smith is a true champion in our sport and has trained some of the best horses we’ve watched run down the alley. From the futurity world to the NFR, we have seen her win, and in the month of July she won almost $45,000. Winning Ogden, Nampa and Cheyenne with an arena record setting run, Sue is pushing to pursue another NFR qualification this year. We could have multiple podcasts with Sue on all things training, but this conversation really lets us in on her background, the first horses that made such a big impact in her career, the hardships she has had to overcome and some of the highlights of her career with her outstanding mare, Dash’s Centerfold. We’re cheering for Sue to finish up in the top 15 this year and hope you enjoy this conversation!

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