2023 NFR Round 2: Clint Summers and Jake Long

by | Dec 10, 2023 | The Score

The 2023 NFR has started out better forClint Summers and Jake Longthan any other NFR before, for both men, as they’ve won back-to-back go rounds.

Summers and Long were a blazing 3.8 seconds in Round 2 to win the round, bringing their NFR earnings thus far to $61,412.82 a man. On this episode ofThe Score,host Chelsea Shaffer sits down with Summers and Long once again to talk about their win, horsepower and the meaning behind Long’s tie-dye shirt.


This episode of The Score is presented bySoft Ride. Soft Ride has been supporting our efforts in bringing you all the top news of the team roping and rope horse industries since the beginning, and they continue to bring unparalleled comfort for your horses in all their products.

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