Training for Soundness, with Amy Skinner, by Equithrive

by | Oct 25, 2024 | The Humble Hoof

Amy Skinner and I discuss what training issues may look like when pain is involved, and how to focus on training for soundness. We also discuss a horse’s anticipation of pain (pain memory) versus current pain, and the fine line to walk to work through the difference during and after rehab.

Thank you to our amazing sponsors:

Equithrive offers supplements for everything from metabolic health to joint support – get 20% off your first order atequithrive.comwith code HUMBLEHOOF

Cavallo Hoof Boots is offering 20% off a pair of Trek hoof boots atcavallo-inc.comwith code HRN

A special shout out to Grid as New, Mud Control Grids – they are a game changer for any mud issues, big or small! –

Also be sure to check out Hay Boss Feeders –– for all your slow-feeding needs. I get my Hay Boss feeders from Mountain Lane Farm in NH!

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