Staying Safe: Injury Prevention in the Horse World with Alexa Linton
As a hoofcare professional, our job is inherently dangerous – even when the horse is well behaved, we can have repetitive strain injuries that force us to stop working. Alexa Linton, an equin...
Hoofcare in the Winter
For those of us in cold climates, we know horsekeeping becomes exponentially more difficult. It is true for hoofcare providers working in the cold weather – it can be a challenge sometimes! D...
Holiday Mini Episode: Winter Laminitis Edition, by Equithrive
In cold weather, we can see a sudden increase in hoof pain in some horses with a past of laminitis even with no change in management. In this short mini-episode, Alicia talks about the ECIR protoco...
Exploring the Equine Gut Microbiome, by Equithrive
Mary Hartman of StableFeed talks about equine gut health, symptoms of issues, research into diagnostics, and what she has found to help improve gut health and therefore whole body (and hoof) health...
Recognizing Patterns In Hooves, by Equithrive
Ula Krzanowska talks about how her architecture background has helped her in hoofcare, and what patterns in hoof wear may indicate in terms of conformation, injury, etc. Thank you to our amazing sp...
Building a Track System Facility, by Equithrive
Vova and Alicia Harlov chat about tips and tricks and “what we wish we knew” when building a track system facility. Thank you to our amazing sponsors: Equithrive offers supplements for ...
Training for Soundness, with Amy Skinner, by Equithrive
Amy Skinner and I discuss what training issues may look like when pain is involved, and how to focus on training for soundness. We also discuss a horse’s anticipation of pain (pain memory) ve...
Hoofcare Conference Takeaways, by Equithrive
A bunch of the 2024 PHCP Conference attendees share some of their favorite parts of this year’s conference and some takeaways from the presentations. Thank you to our amazing sponsors: Equith...
Hoof Health Lessons from Nature, by Equithrive
Melody O’Brien talks about why we may see stronger digital cushions and healthier hooves in wild mustang feet. Topics also covered include track systems, movement, and more. Thank you to our ...
Equine Fitness with Jec Ballou, by Equithrive
One of the best ways to prevent injury and lameness in horses is to keep them fit. Jec Ballou discusses ways to improve our horses’ fitness levels, and some examples of what we can find in he...
PHCP Conference Sneak Peek, by Equithrive
You’ll hear snippets of conversations from this year’s PHCP conference speakers, including Dr. David Rendle, Dr. Jenny Hagen, Celeste Lazaris, Wendy Murdoch, and Ida Hammer. And for tho...
Sole Depth and Hoof Comfort, by Equithrive
Philip Himanka discusses those difficult “thin sole” cases and why they may struggle to become comfortable. He also talks about how he approaches their hoof rehab to help grow better st...
Feeding Forage for Horse Health, by Equithrive
Dr. Erin Roddy and Dr. Ethan Romas-Hill discuss various types of forage and their possible effect on hoof health as well as overall health. Thank you to our amazing sponsors: Equithrive offers supp...
Hoofcare In The Heat, by Equithrive
Beth Lynn Lewis and Cristina Winemiller chat about considerations for owners and hoofcare providers to keep ourselves safe and healthy while working on hooves in the hot weather. Thank you to our a...
Gut Health and Hoof Health, by Equithrive
Dr. Ethan Romas-Hill talks about factors that affect gut health, and potential links to hoof comfort and health. Thank you to our amazing sponsors: Equithrive offers supplements for everything from...
Farming Practices and Horse Health: A Vet’s Experience, by Equithrive
Dr. Elizabeth Hilborn, author of “Restoring Eden,” talks about her experience with pesticides and their effect on her farm, wildlife, and horses in her care – including the potent...
Throwback Episode: Thrush, Sponsored by Equithrive
A throwback on a previous conversation with Sam Austin on what thrush is, what causes it, and how we can treat it. Also included is dialogue with Joe Sexton, a microbiologist. Thank you to our amaz...
Feral Vs Domestic Hooves with Bonny Mealand by Equithrive
We have heard the arguments about how we can’t compare domestic horse hooves to feral hooves because they lives such different lives and have different expectations. Is this true that we can&...
Are Seasonal Changes Affect Your Horse’s Hooves?, Sponsored by Equithrive
Rosemary Zwanenburg and Kristen Wertz discusses symptoms we see in horses’ movement, comfort, and hoof health when dealing with seasonal changes from grass or excess sugar. Thank you to our a...
Managing Mud and Hooves, by Equithrive
Amy Dell-Anthony talks about practical ways to manage “mud season” to keep horses and hooves healthy. We also discuss mud on track systems, and the pros and cons to having the horses ou...
Off-the-Track Thoroughbred Feet: Genetics or Environment? By Equithrive
The age-old stereotype of “horrible OTTB feet” is heard all over the hoof side of social media and beyond. Kate Anderson challenges the idea of bad thoroughbred feet by rehabbing TBs on...
Ethical Considerations in Working on Lameness Cases with Kendra Skorstad, by Equithrive
One difficult issue hoofcare providers struggle with is how can we advocate best for the horses in our care, while also managing expectations for their owners and riders? Kendra Skorstad and I talk...
The Pros and Cons of Stall Rest, Sponsored by Equithrive
Dr. Martina Neidhart talks about what happens to a horse’s soft tissue and joints when on stall rest – and when it is warranted and when we should maybe push for a different approach fo...
Knowing What’s In Your Hay with Ellington King, by Equithrive
One of the largest contributors to a healthy hoof is a healthy diet. Ellington King of Equi-Analytical discusses how to know what is in your hay, how to test your hay, and the different options ava...
Hoof “Balance” with Dr. Jenny Hagen, by Equithrive
Dr. Jenny Hagen talks about how what we do to the foot affects a horse’s soft tissue, joints, and movement. Thank you to our amazing sponsors: Equithrive offers supplements for everything fro...
Throwback Episode: DDFT Tears and Navicular Bone Damage, by Equithrive
In this throwback episode, Alicia talks about what got her into hoofcare – her mustang gelding Vinnie and his various navicular-related pathologies – and what his rehab to comfort looke...
Lameness Rehab: More than Just Handwalking with Dr. Sherry Johnson, by Equithrive
Dr. Sherry Johnson talks about working together as a team on a lameness case, what kinds of exercises can be of benefit, and things to consider when bringing a horse back into work to prevent reinj...
Rehabbing Hoof Canker with Dr. Frank Reilly, Sponsored by Equithrive
Dr. Frank Reilly talks about causes of canker, and his process for rehabbing it and preventing recurrence. For more information see: equinemedsurg.com Thank you to our amazing sponsors: Equithrive ...
Tips for a Successful Barefoot Transition, Sponsored by Equithrive
Pulling shoes on horses can be so much more than just “pulling shoes” if we want them to be comfortable long term. Hoofcare providers Jen Rakas, Sara Hunt, and Anna Drabble talk about t...
Laminitis: Myth-Busting and Fact-Checking with Dr. Andrew Van Eps, by Equithrive
Dr. Van Eps discusses myths and misunderstandings about laminitis diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. To reach out to Dr. Van Eps or look into donating to laminitis research, visit: https://www.v...
Throwback Episode: Saving the Laminae, Sponsored by Equithrive
Originally published in 2019, this episode includes a conversation with Dr. Andrew Van Eps about the three main causes of laminitis as well as their treatment. Dr. Van Eps will also be on the next ...
Advancements in Laminitis Research with Dr. David Rendle, Sponsored by Equithrive
David Rendle, president of BEVA, talks about the latest in laminitis treatment research and new medications that are showing great promise. To contact, reach out to: [email protected] Thank you to ...
Riding Mules Cross Country
Bernie Harberts talks about his cross country treks on his mules, along with how he handled their hoofcare and hoof booting. Look out for his memoir “Two Mules to Triumph” about his adv...
Equine Euthanasia: Knowing When It’s Time with Dr. Sara Cook, Sponsored by Equithrive
Deciding when to euthanize in cases of lameness or chronic pain is never an easy decision. Dr. Sara Cook of Black Brook Veterinary Services talks about guidelines for making this choice, and how to...
Throwback Episode: When The Job Wears Us Out
Originally published in 2021, this episode include Dr. Jenny Susser, Kendra Skorstad, and Sydney Kotow, all talking about burn out and compassion fatigue in equine professionals. Thank you to our a...
White Line Disease with Travis Burns, Sponsored by Equithrive
White Line Disease can wreak havoc on a horse’s hoof capsule. Travis Burns talks about what it is, what might contribute to its development, and common treatments. Thank you to our amazing sp...
Evidence-Based Hoofcare Choices with Pat Reilly, by Equithrive
One of the hardest things to know is if what we are doing for the horse is the right thing for that current situation at that current time. Hoofcare choices can depend on many different factors ...
Laminitis Rehab: A Case Study with Daisy Bicking, by EquiThrive
Daisy Bicking talks about a laminitis case study that wasn’t doing well at home, despite the perfect diet and a dry lot. Daisy discusses how the management was adjusted so that this horse beg...
Corrective Shoeing on Dwarf Feet with Josh Dolan, Sponsored by Equithrive
Dwarf miniature horses may seem cute, but unfortunately they come with a lot of health concerns and often have extensive limb and hoof issues. Josh Dolan of The Peeps Foundation chats about how he ...
Safer Grazing for Horses with Cherrie Nolden, Sponsored by Equithrive
Grazing horses safely can take a lot more than just tossing horses out on grass. How do we know if the grass is safe, how can we minimize risk for laminitis, and how can we ensure our land and hors...
What We Know About DSLD
As a hoofcare provider, seeing a horse with DSLD is one of the most heartbreaking things to deal with. These horses often slowly decline in comfort, and it can feel helpless trying to figure out a ...
What We Know About DSLD with Dr. Sabrina Brounts, Sponsored by Equithrive
Dr. Sabrina Brounts talks about DSLD in horses - often characterized by dropped fetlocks. We talk about the limitations of diagnostics, predictability testing, treatment options, and more. Thank...
The Body’s Role in High/Low Hooves
I have been on a bit of a “bodywork” kick lately, just noting how important the whole body is in what we as hoofcare providers see when coming to the feet. Some problems that we might blame on conf...
The Body’s Role in High/Low Hooves with Christy DiColla, Sponsored by EquiThrive
Christy DiColla talks about various issues in the body and how they can affect movement and even hoof conformation. She also dives into her rib entrapment syndrome techniques, and how to recognize ...
Case Study: Navicular with Collateral Ligament Damage, Sponsored by Equithrive
Tayla Pierce-Hart discusses her journey to rehab with her horse Frankie, diagnosed with navicular and collateral ligament damage, with a vet suggestion of euthanasia. Tayla discusses the avenues th...
Finding Unity in the Horse with Saxon Alexandra, Sponsored by EquiThrive
Structural integration involves working with the fascial connections in a horse to help address movement and soundness issues with the goal of solid improvement that doesn’t need continued th...
Managing Foal Feet with Kirsten Proctor, Sponsored by Equithrive
We can influence foal conformation and development long term by how we trim their feet – whether that’s good or bad! I speak with Kirsten Proctor, hoofcare provider in upstate NY, about...
Horse Track Systems with Amy Dell-Anthony, Sponsored by Equithrive
Amy Dell-Anthony of Abbotts View Track Livery talks about what track systems are, how to practically start one, and the benefits we see in horses and their hooves when living on a track. For more ...
A Horse’s Shock Absorber: The Digital Cushion, sponsored by EquiThrive
Dr. Sharon Warner talks about her PhD research into the digital cushion in various species, how it functions, and what it is made up of. We also talk about equine biomechanics, and whether the digi...
The Beginnings of a Lameness Rehab Facility – Sponsored by Equithrive
Mollie Murphy and Humble Hoof host Alicia Harlov talk about the new Humble Hoof Rehab Facility – the inspiration behind it, how Alicia and her husband found the property, what it took to get ...
Back to Horses After Injury
When you have a career with horses, it can be life-altering to get injured. At the least, it can mean unpaid time off work to recover, and at the worst, it can mean the end to your career. So how d...
Keratomas and Chronic Abscessing with Dr. Craig Lesser
Dr. Craig Lesser, vet podiatrist at Rood and Riddle in Lexington, KY, shares his insight into how to deal with keratomas and chronic hoof abscessing. We discuss maggot debridement, surgery, antibio...
How Hoofcare Affects Movement with Dr. Kate Horan
Dr. Kate Horan talks about her study on racehorses, and how various approaches to hoofcare and two different surface options affected the breakover and movement of the horses.
Throwback Episode: Managing the Metabolic Horse
The seasonal rise of ACTH in the fall can throw many PPID horses into laminitis. How can we better manage this? How do we take care of our metabolic horses to prevent laminitis and founder? Dr. Jai...
A Day in the Life: Our Favorite Cases
Cristina Brogdon, Jodie Jensen, and Alicia Harlov talk about some of their favorite hoofcare patholoy cases they have worked on and why. Stringhalt, laminitis, navicular, and more are discussed, al...
No Footing, No Horse with Dr. Sarah le Jeune and Christina Rohlf
Dr. Sarah le Jeune and Christina Rohlf discuss footing considerations when it comes to both performance and injury. The discussion dives into recent research on footing factors that affect forces w...
Navigating Lameness Cases with Dr. Sasha Hill and Stuart Muir
Dr. Sasha Hill and Stuart Muir discuss various approaches to lameness including diagnostics, as well as navigating the vet/farrier dynamic when working together. We also discuss case studies where ...
Going Pro In Hoofcare: What We Wish We Knew Beforehand
Denys Antonenko, Nicole Jory, and Lisa Mittler all discuss the surprises – both good and bad – that came along with a career change into hoofcare. We discuss various aspects of the job ...
The Body’s Role in Hoof Issues with Celeste Lazaris
Celeste-Leilani Lazaris talks about how the body can affect movement, hoof balance, and soundness. She focuses on the thoracic sling and surrounding soft tissue and some approaches she takes to get...
The Genetic Side of Metabolic Syndrome and Laminitis with Dr. Elaine Norton
Dr. Elaine Norton discusses her extensive research into the heritability of equine metabolic syndrome in various breeds of horses, and how that relates to the risk of endocrinopathic laminitis R...
Boot Fitting for Professionals with Sara Hunt
Sara Hunt, hoofcare provider and boot fit expert based in San Diego, CA, talks about incorporating boot fitting and sales into a hoofcare business. We discuss boot brands, tips and tricks for findi...
How Saddle Fit Affects Soundness with Terri Beecher
Terri Beecher talks about how incorrect saddle fit can inhibit movement and ultimately affect hoof balance and soundness. Also discussed are considerations in saddle fit for weaker backs, and adjus...
Hoof Boots for the “Difficult-to-Fit” Feet with Sara Hunt
Sara Hunt, PHCP member and hoofcare provider, talks about tips and tricks for fitting hoof boots on less-than-perfect hooves. We talk about how to know your hoof boots fit well, how to adjust them ...
Navicular Isn’t the End: Rehabbing Horses to Soundness
Carey Russ, Hannah Darpoe, Tayla Pierce-Hart and Laura Koskenmaki join a discussion about their horses’ navicular diagnoses, prognoses, and how they rehabbed them back to full soundness and e...
Making Hoofcare a Positive Experience with Adele Shaw
Adele Shaw, international mentor, trainer, and creator of The Willing Equine podcast, talks about how to work with horses to have a more positive farrier appointment. She talks about how to begin w...
The Ins and Outs of Hoof Abscesses with Dr. Neal Valk
Dr. Neal Valk talks about hoof abscesses in horses: what causes them and how to treat them. We discuss how the health of the foot comes into play, and what we can address to prevent abscessing in t...
UK Farriers Pt 2: How Horses Compensate
Matthew Jackson, Mark Johnson, and Robbie Richardson join the podcast for a second time, this time about how horses compensate for less than ideal environment, movement, diet, conformation, etc. Ho...
The Cost of Doing Business: The Ins and Outs of Hoofcare Pricing
Carrie Rule, Kristin Thornberry, Libby Thorman, and Rosemary Zwanenburg join a discussion on hoofcare pricing and the “hidden costs” we don’t often think about when running a hoof...
Ground Reactions Forces: Why Horses Injure Themselves with Dr. Renate Weller
Dr. Renate Weller talks about the movement of the distal limb, and how hoofcare providers can affect biomechanics. Also addressed are how owners can be proactive about preventing soft tissue injury...
Leaving Steel Behind: UK Farriers Gone Alternative
Mark Johnson, Matthew Jackson, and Robbie Richardson all discuss their journey from being a fully qualified UK farrier to shifting to barefoot trimming with composite shoeing options. They talk abo...
Stringhalt and Shivers with Dr. Audrey DeClue
Dr. Audrey DeClue discusses two serious causes of hind end movement issues – stringhalt and shivers. She also discusses symptoms, treatments, and times when it affects the front limbs, as wel...
Caring for Pig Feet with Emily Mohring
Emily Mohring, a farrier and pig trimmer, talks about how she developed the Mohr Method for trimming pig hooves. She also discusses factors that affect pig feet, how long their trimming cycles shou...
Keeping Ourselves Fit: Preventing Injury for Hoofcare Pros and Riders with James Shaw
James Shaw discusses how to change our posture and movement to better protect equine professionals and riders from injury when working with horses. He also talks about how he got through his own ba...
Gaited Horse Feet with Diane Sept
Diane Sept, rider, trainer, judge, and lover of smooth gaited horses, talks about various gaited breeds and considerations for their feet. She chats about her affinity for Tennessee Walking Horses,...
Hoof Casting and Barefoot Performance with Dr. Stephen O’Grady
Dr. Stephen O’Grady discusses hoof changes seen when transitioning horses to barefoot. He discusses his approach to trimming, casting, and barefoot transition. Also discussed are performances...
Hoofcare for Rescue Cases with Heart of Phoenix Equine Rescue
Tinia Creamer and Suzanna Johnson talk about some of the biggest hoof issues they see in surrendered and seized horses that come into Heart of Phoenix Equine Rescue. They discuss issues such as neg...
Better Horsemanship for Better Hooves with Deanna Preis
Deanna Preis talks about how proper riding and training can influence soundness and hoof health in both a positive or negative way. She also discusses resources such as Straightness Training and he...
The Ideal Hoofcare Client: How to Be Your Farrier’s Favorite Person
Allyssa Stratton, Beth Lynn Lewis, and Michael Linton all join in for an informal chat about characteristics of their favorite clients and horses to work with. We discuss scheduling, horse behavior...
Laminitis: Treatment and Prevention
Dr. Alicia Nolfi discusses laminitis treatment and the reasoning behind various treatments that are used for laminitic horses. She also talks about the importance of taking note of hoof health and ...
Support for Owners and Professionals: The Importance of Continuing Education with PHCP
PHCP mentors and board members Leslie Carrig, Jeannean Mercuri, Christina Krueger, and Maia Chaput chat about various topics in hoofcare education. The discussion starts with ways owners can feel e...
Recognizing Hoof Soreness in Training with Jec Ballou
Jec Ballou, host of “Best Horse Practices” podcast and author of the “101 Exercises..” books, discusses potential clues that a horse in training might be struggling with sor...
Hoof Boots: What You Need to Know with Sara Hunt
Sara Hunt, PHCP member and hoofcare provider, talks about hoof boots and how to decide on the right boot for your horse. Also discussed is fitting issues with “wonky” feet, how to asses...
Hoof Injuries: What Your Vet Wants You to Know with Dr. Sara Cook
Dr. Sara Cook of Black Brook Veterinary Services talks about hoof injuries and acute lameness. In this discussion, she mentions when to call the vet and what can be dealt with at home by the owner....
Barefoot Showjumping with Lacy Stormes
Lacy Stormes talks about her journey into competing her performance horses barefoot in the professional showjumping world. She talks about management, considerations in trimming, and how she keeps ...
Track System Life: Bethan Summers of Gawsworth Track Livery
Bethan Summers talks about her journey into opening a rehab livery yard boarding facility, and how track systems have benefitted the horses that she has taken in. She also discusses the various kin...
Farrier Safety
I chat with Brian Mullins of Mullins Farrier Podcast, Dr. Simon Curtis of The Hoof of the Horse podcast, and Daniel Bennett of Lockdown Farriery podcast about ways we can keep hoofcare providers sa...
Success with Polyflex: Curtis Burns
Curtis Burns talks about his journey into hoofcare and creating the Polyflex composite horse shoe. He shares tips and tricks for getting a good glue adhesion, as well as how he keeps some of the to...
The Hoof Rehab Roller Coaster: Controlling Your Mindset with Krista Jones
Krista Jones, From the Ground Up rehab facility owner and certified bodyworker in the UK, talks about the emotional journey of hoof rehab and how owners can work to stay positive during the process...
When the Job Wears Us Out: Burn Out and Compassion Fatigue
Dr. Jenny Susser (sports psychologist), Kendra Skorstad (farrier), and Sydney Kotow (farrier) all discuss how burn out and compassion fatigue affects the equestrian world, but specifically focusing...
Understanding the Hoof of the Horse with Dr. Simon Curtis
Dr. Simon Curtis, farrier, speaker, and author from the UK, talks about his journey into hoofcare and his PhD. He also discusses foal hoof balance and trimming, dynamic balance versus static balanc...
The Connection Between Teeth and Hooves with Dr. Tomas Teskey
Dr. Tomas Teskey talks about how a horse’s tooth balance can affect their movement, soundness, and even hoof wear. He discusses ways to improve their tooth wear and the health of the horse in...
Mismatched Feet: Natural Asymmetry in the Horse Hoof with Dr. Sara Malone
Dr. Sara Malone of Rutgers University discusses her research findings on natural asymmetry in the horse hoof and distal limb. She also mentions possible correlations between shoeing, rest, and turn...
Healing Soft Tissue: Tips for Tendon and Ligament Repair with Dr. Lauren Schnabel
Dr. Lauren Schnabel discusses soft tissue injuries in the hoof capsule and steps owners and hoofcare providers can take to help with rehabilitation. This includes ways we can prevent these injuries...
Building A Strong Hoof: The Impact of Movement and Environment on Hoof Health with Nick Hill and Ralitsa Grancharova Hill
Nick and Ralitsa Hill have traveled the world and trimmed horses and other hooved animals in all kinds of environments. Here they talk about what factors seems to affect hoof health the most, and w...
Balanced Rider, Balanced Hoof: Riding the Horse from the Inside Out with Deb Davies
Deborah Davies talks about how training, riding, saddle fit, and horse fitness affect soundness and even hoof wear patterns. She offers tips for telling whether your horse is struggling due to a tr...
Innovative Racing: Barefoot Training, Hoof Casting, and 3D Printing with Derek Poupard
Derek Poupard discusses how he incorporates barefoot training for thoroughbreds at Goldolphin in Dubai as well as in Newmarket UK. He discusses the benefits he has seen while doing this, as well as...
The Difference with Donkeys: Donkey Hoofcare and Behavior with Ross Keller
Ross Keller, donkey and mule hoofcare instructor with ELPO (Equine Lameness and Prevention Organization), talks about how donkey feet and behavior differs from horses. He mentions ways we can best ...
The Elephant in the Room: Trimming Elephant Feet with Mike McClure
Mike McClure, an exotic animal care consultant and elephant trimmer, talks in this episode about the similarities and differences between elephant feet and horse hooves. Just like with horses, conf...
It’s All About Balance: Sure Foot Pads with Wendy Murdoch
Wendy Murdoch discusses her Sure Foot balance pads. She talks about proprioception, movement, and posture, and how horse owners and hoofcare providers can utilize balance pads during rehab. For mor...
Farrier Friendly: How To Support Your Horse To Stand Well for The Farrier with Kristin Thornberry
Kristin Thornberry talks about the various reasons why a horse might have trouble standing for their hoofcare appointments, and ways that owners and hoofcare providers can help the horse become mor...
Evidence Based Podiatry: Yogi Sharp of The Equine Documentalist
Yogi Sharp talks about various studies that have affected the way he approaches his shoeing and hoofcare, as well as what owners can notice to see if their horse is moving in a good direction in re...
Helping Club Feet: Christina Cline of The Essential Hoof Book
Christina Cline, co-author of The Essential Hoof Book, discusses ways hoofcare providers and owners can improve the comfort of, and in some cases the appearance of, club feet. Correct trimming, mov...
Not All Laminitis Is Created Equal with Dr. Debra Taylor
Dr. Debra Taylor discusses the 3 causes of laminitis and the treatment approach for each, as well as when to escalate the treatment to the next level. She talks about the hardships of working with ...
Looking Above the Hooves: Considering the Whole Horse in Hoofcare with Ida Hammer
Ida Hammer talks about various factors that affects a horse’s movement, biomechanics, and health of the hoof. She expands on tools she uses to allow a horse to grow the healthiest hoof possib...
Rehabbing Lameness At Home: Ann Ramsey, Equine Rehabilitation Specialist
Ann Ramsey, an equine rehabilitation specialist based in California, talks about how to approach rehabbing your horse in situations where a stay at a veterinary hospital isn’t feasible. She t...
Dynamic Balance: Rehabbing Lameness Through Movement with Krista Jones and Steven Leigh
Krista Jones, ESMT and owner of From The Ground Up rehab, and Steven Leigh, hoofcare practitioner, talk about how proper AND improper movement affects soft tissue, muscling, and hooves. Krista and ...
Managing the Metabolic Horse: Dr. Jaini Clougher and Dr. Kathleen Gustafson of ECIR
Dr. Jaini Clougher, veterinarian, and Dr. Kathleen Gustafson, ECIR director and research advisor, talk about diagnosis and treatment of PPID (Cushing’s) and IR/EMS horses, as well as rehabbin...
Mad About Forage: Feeding the Equine Athlete and more
In a continuation from last episode, Scott Cieslar of Mad Barn, Inc. talks about feeding the equine athlete, alfalfa and the hoof, and gut health and the hoof. How do we safely increase calories fo...
Mad About Hooves: A Peek at Equine Nutrition with Scott Cieslar
In this episode, Scott Cieslar of Mad Barn talks about various aspects of equine nutrition and how it can affect the hoof. Topics include iron overload, hay testing, supplement stability, trace min...
Performance Horse Feet: An Interview with Shannon Peters Dressage
In this episode, I speak with Shannon Peters, a dressage trainer who has taken horses through Grand Prix and PSG barefoot. Shannon talks about her motivation to take her upper level dressage horses...
Long Toe Woes: Perspectives on Navicular with Dr. Robert Bowker
In episode 18 of The Humble Hoof, Dr. Robert Bowker talks about his research into the caudal hoof through decades of microscopic study and dissection. He delves into his ideas on trimming to improv...
Thrush: What’s Hiding Underneath?: Sam Austin of Red Horse Products
In this episode, Sam Austin of Red Horse Products answers questions about what might cause thrush and white line disease in horses, and how we can safely treat it without affecting healthy tissue. ...
Case Study #1: DDFT Tears and Navicular Bone Damage
This episode is the lameness history and rehab strategies for my own personal gelding, Vinnie. A BLM Mustang, Vinnie has a history of navicular bone damage, bilateral front lameness, DDFT tears, as...
Technology Devoted to the Horse: Monique Craig of EponaMind
In this episode, Monique Craig of EponaMind in Paso Robles, California talks about how Epona’s MetronMind software has allowed them to watch for various trends in hoof radiographs. She discus...
Daisy Haven Farm Clinic Teaser
This short teaser episode is a sneak peek into a five day clinic at Daisy Haven Farm with Daisy Bicking. In it, you’ll hear clips from Daisy’s clinic in November 2019.
The Road to Hoof Protection: Garrett Ford of Easycare, Inc.
Garrett Ford of Easycare, Inc. shares his journey into the hoof boot world in this episode. He expands on his innovation process, how he tests new products, and some of his favorite and most popula...
Saving the Laminae: Laminitis Prevention and Rehabilitation with Dr. Andrew Van Eps
In this episode, Dr. Andrew Van Eps delves into new research on laminitis and founder treatment, as well as the importance of prevention. In it, you will hear about the three causes of laminitis, a...
We’re Both Professionals: A Discussion on Vet/Farrier Collaboration with Stuart Muir
In this episode, Rood and Riddle resident farrier Stuart Muir delves into how to work together with veterinarians for the benefit of the horse. He discusses how hoofcare providers can forge relatio...
Looking at Integrative Hoofcare: Daisy Bicking of Daisy Haven Farm
In this episode, Daisy Bicking talks about her journey into hoofcare and the glue-on/composite world. She talks about her influences and what motivated her to pursue her current path, as well as wh...
Slicing and Dicing: Paige Poss of Anatomy of the Equine
In this episode, Paige Poss talks about her hoofcare journey which led her into “slicing and dicing” – performing dissections on countless equine cadaver legs in order to share th...
Real Talk: Business Tips for Hoofcare Providers
In this episode, various hoofcare providers talk about tips in how to better run a hoofcare business. Beth Lynn Lewis, Kirsten Proctor, Kristi Rodgers, and Henric Larsson touch upon everything from...
Everything Donkey: Megan Hensley, The Donkey Farrier
In this interview, Megan Hensley, “The Donkey Farrier,” talks about her work with donkeys – from hoofcare to environment to nutrition. She discusses the best ways to approach them...
A Whole Horse Approach: An Interview with Pete Ramey, Part 2
A continuation from Part 1, in this episode Pete Ramey talks about some approaches he takes to deal with hoof pathology in his day to day work. Discussed in this interview are wall cracks, white li...
A Whole Horse Approach: An Interview with Pete Ramey, Part 1
In this interview, Pete Ramey talks about his journey into a holistic, “whole horse” approach to hoofcare, and what he has learned along the way. This episode is Part 1 with Pete; it f...
Navicular Rehabilitation: Nic Barker of Rockley Farm
In this episode, Nic Barker talks about her rehab work at Rockley Farm in Exmoor, England, helping horses with a “navicular” diagnosis: bone damage, tendon and ligament damage, weak hee...
Hardworking Hooves: Greg Sokoloski and the Houston Mounted Police
In the early 2000s, Greg Sokoloski, a police officer in the Houston Mounted Police Department, decided to run an “experiment” on the horses in the police force. With some preparation an...
Nutrition and the Hoof: Sally Hugg of California Trace
This episode includes an interview with Sally Hugg, “nutrition guru” and creator of California Trace minerals. In it, we explore how nutrition can help the health of hooves, and address...
The Humble Hoof – Introduction Teaser Episode
I didn’t think I would find people as interested in talking about hooves as I am, and somehow I did. This intro/teaser is a glimpse into why I wanted to start this podcast, and a little about...
The Humble Hoof