Horsemanship Radio

By Debbie Roberts-Loucks

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Description:  Horsemanship Radio is an online radio show (horse podcast) dedicated to the exploration of good horsemanship throughout the world. Hosted by Debbie Roberts Loucks (Monty Roberts’ Daughter) the show includes segments, tips & interviews exploring good horsemanship.

Published:  Twice a month on the 15th and 30th


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Debbie Roberts-Loucks

Debbie Roberts-Loucks

Debbie Roberts-Loucks joined with her parents, Monty and Pat Roberts, in 2002 to build Monty Roberts’ international training schedule and oversee their publishing, product development and licensing. Monty Roberts is the world renowned original Horse Whisperer and New York Times Bestselling author of The Man Who Listens to Horses. Pat Roberts is an internationally acclaimed sculptress of horses. A graduate of UCLA, Debbie has extensive experience in marketing as well as new business development.

Debbie’s life-long work with horses, as well as her commitment with Monty to advance his concepts, uniquely qualifies her to extend the MPRI brand into a global leadership organization which has impacted millions of individuals, companies, organizations, governments and industries. She is credited with launching the first of its kind Equus Online University; an interactive online lesson site that is already being considered the most effective educational tool for horsemen on the web.

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