Equine Euthanasia: Knowing When It’s Time with Dr. Sara Cook, Sponsored by Equithrive

by | Sep 8, 2023 | The Humble Hoof

Deciding when to euthanize in cases of lameness or chronic pain is never an easy decision. Dr. Sara Cook of Black Brook Veterinary Services talks about guidelines for making this choice, and how to know when it might be the kindest option for your equine companion.

Thank you to our amazing sponsors:

Equithrive offers supplements for everything from metabolic health to joint support – get 20% off your first order atequithrive.comwith code HUMBLEHOOF

Cavallo Hoof Boots is offering 20% off a pair of Trek hoof boots atcavallo-inc.comwith code HRN

And special shout out to Grid as New, Mud Control Grids – they are a game changer for any mud issues, big or small! –mudcontrolgrids.com

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